Eco School

Hetton Lyons Eco Warriors


Eco Council

We have an active and enthusiastic Eco Council within school made up of representatives from every year group. The Eco council meets every month to discuss how we can make our school more Eco friendly. The Eco council is responsible for ensuring that recycling takes place, switching off unneccesary lights and technology and encouraging new ideas and initiatives across the school.

Climate Friendly Schools

Our school has been lucky to be selected to take part in the 'Climate Friendly Schools' initiative. Our Eco Council (The Hetton Lyons Eco Warriors) have been working hard, over this 2 year programme, to raise awareness on issues regarding climate change within the school and the wider community.

The Eco-Schools Programme

The Eco-Schools programme is an ideal way for schools to embark on a meaningful path towards improving the environment in both the school and the local community while at the same time having a life-long positive impact on the lives of young people and their families.

The Eco-Schools programme consists of three structural elements – The Seven Step Framework, the Eco-Schools Topics and assessment for the international Green Flag award. To be successful, the programme requires support from school leaders and active involvement from staff, as well as a long-term commitment and the willingness to involve students in decision-making. The Eco-Schools Seven Steps methodology is a series of carefully engineered measures to help schools maximise the success of their Eco-School ambitions.

While the Seven Steps are the most important aspect of the Eco-Schools programme, schools also work on topics to help give the programme even more structure: marine, biodiversity, energy, litter, global citizenship, healthy living, school grounds, transport, waste and water.

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. You can work up to Green Flag level by achieving Bronze and Silver awards which are self-accredited stepping stones along the way.

Our school is an Eco Green Flag School. In order to gain this award, and fly the Green Flag, we have to:

  1. Have a pupil led Eco committee.
  2. Carry out an Environmental Review of our school, school grounds and local area.
  3. Develop and share an action plan.
  4. Work on 5 Eco topics in depth, from a list of 10 which include: marine, biodiversity, energy, litter, global citizenship, healthy living, school grounds, transport, waste and water.
  5. Have an Eco code that is an environmental statement drawn up by the Eco - Committee. This statement must be displayed around school and understood by staff and pupils.

Our school has recieved this award on 5 occasions. 

Mrs Pauc is our leader.

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