SEN Information Report

What is the Local Offer?


What is the Special Education Needs Information Report?

The LA Local Offer

The Children and Families Bill was enacted in September 2014. From this date Local Authorities (LA) and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) aged 0-25. The LA  refer to this as the 'Local Offer'.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. 

The Special Education Needs Information Report

Schools utilise the LA Local Offer to meet the needs of SEND pupils as determined by school policy and the provision that the school is able to provide. Schools refer to this as ‘The Special Education Needs Information Report.

Question 1: Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child’s difficulties with learning/ Special Educational Needs or disability (SEND)?

If you have concerns about your child’s progress you should speak to your child’s class teacher.

The Class teacher

Responsible for:

  • Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need (this could be things like targeted work, additional support) and letting the Special Education Needs/Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo/Inclusion Manager) know as necessary.
  • Writing Pupil Progress targets/ Support Plans, and sharing and reviewing these with parents at least once each term and planning for the next term. Personalised teaching and learning for your child as identified on school’s provision map.
  • Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom and for all the pupils they teach with any SEND.

If you continue to be concerned that your child is not making progress, you may speak to the Special Educational Needs Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo).

The SENDCO is Mrs Young

Responsible for:

  • Developing and reviewing the school’s SEND policy
  • Coordinating all the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) 
  • Ensuring that you are
  1. i) involved in supporting your child’s learning
  2. ii) kept informed about the support your child is getting

        iii) involved in reviewing how they are doing.

  • Liaising with all the other people who may be coming into to school to help support your child’s learning e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology etc.
  • Updating the school’s SEND register (a system for ensuring that all the SEND needs of pupils in this school are known) and making sure that records of you child’s progress and needs are kept.
  • Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school so that they can help children with SEND in the school to achieve the best progress possible.

The Head of School Kim Bushby.

Responsible for:

  • The day to day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND.
  • The Head of School will give responsibility to the SENDCo and class teachers, but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
  • The Headteacher must make sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about issues relating to SEND.

You may also contact the school SEND Governor Ms Clare Simpson for support.

Responsible for:

  • Making sure that the necessary support is given for any child who attends the school, who has SEND.

The above personnel can be contacted via the school office on:

0191 5634200 or email

Question 2: What are the different types of support available for children with SEND in our school?

Support can vary depending upon the needs of your child. It could be any of the following:

 Class teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching (Quality First Teaching).

For your child this would mean:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
  • That all teaching is built on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
  • Different ways of teaching are in place so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning.
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENDCo) are in place to support your child to learn.
  • Your child’s teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has a gap or gaps in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support to help them make the best possible progress.

Specific group work: This is intervention which may be:

 Run within/outside the classroom

 Run by a teacher or a Learning Support Assistant (LSA)

Specialist groups run by outside agencies : Speech and Language therapy, Language and Learning Partnership etc

Specified Individual support: This type of support is available for children whose learning needs are, severe, complex and lifelong. This support is usually provided via a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This means your child has been identified by professionals as needing a particularly high level of individual or small group teaching.

Question 3: How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child’s learning in school?

If your child is identified as not making progress, the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail and to:

• Listen to any concerns you may have
• Plan any additional support your child may need
• Discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child’s learning

Question 4: How is extra support allocated to children and how do they progress in their learning?

The Head of School and the SENDCo discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school, including:

  • The children already getting extra support
  • The children needing extra support
  • The children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected and decide what resources/training and support is needed. Staff ensure the available resources match the needs of the child. Any extra support allocated will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is impacting on learning.
  • SENDCo identifies the needs of the pupils on a school provision map which highlights all resources/training and support. The provision map is reviewed regularly and changes made as needed.

Children identified as having special educational needs will be given targets on an individual support plan. These targets will be reviewed termly.

Question 5: Who are the other people providing services to children with SEND in this school?
  • School provision
    Teaching Assistants/ Learning Support
  • Attendance officer
  • Early Help worker
    Behaviour support Teams
  • Support in unstructured times (eg school lunch club)
  • ELSA
  • Local Authority Provision available to school (these services are reviewed annually in response to the needs of the children)
    • Autism Outreach Service
    • Educational Psychology Service
    • Sensory Service for children with visual or hearing needs
    • Parent Partnership Service
    • Language and Learning Partnership
    • Clinical Psychology Service
  • KS1 and KS2 Behaviour Support

Health Provision available to school (these services are dependent upon the needs of the individual child)

*Additional Speech and Language Therapy input to provide a higher level of service to the school.
*School Nurse
*Occupational Therapy


Question 6: How are the teachers in school helped to work with children with SEND and what training do they have?

The SENDCo’s job is to support the class teacher in planning for children with SEND and to provide training and support to enable all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children, including those with SEND. (This may include whole school training on SEND issues such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Speech and Language difficulties).

Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class e.g. from the Autism Outreach Team (AoT)service, Language and Learning Partnership (LLP)

Question 7: How will the teaching be adapted for my child with SEND?

If your child is identified as having special educational needs they will be given individual targets that will be reviewed termly.

Class Teachers plan lessons according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class, and will ensure that your child’s needs are met.

Support staff, under the direction of the class teacher, can adapt planning to support the needs of your child where necessary.

Specific resources and strategies will be used to support your child individually and in groups.

Planning and teaching will be adapted on a daily basis if needed to meet your child’s learning needs.

Question 8: How will we measure the progress of your child in school?

Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher.

His/her progress is reviewed formally every term in reading, writing and maths.

If your child is in Year 1 or above, and working below expected levels, an assessment tool (PIVATS) can be used, which shows their attainment in more detail . PIVATS are also used throughout school if your child is working more than 2 years behind their peers. 

At the end of each key stage (i.e. at the end of Reception, year 2 and year 6) all children will be assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) and Key Areas of Learning in Reception (EYFS). The Engagement Model is implemented to support your child where progress is below expected levels.

In school all SEND children are assessed using the TFC Ranges document. This has targets, support and strategies for each of the 4 areas of SEND. This information is used on each childs support plan and shared during review meetings. The Ranges is a fluid number and can change each review meeting dependent on the needs of the child.

Children may have an Individual support plan which will be reviewed termly and a future plan made.

The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review meeting; this will include all professionals involved in the child’s education. All professionals will produce an up to date report outlining your child’s progress

The SENDCo is responsible for monitoring the progress of children with SEND.

Question 9: What support do we have for you as a parent of a child with a SEND?

The class teacher can be made available to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and school so similar strategies can be used. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress please ensure you make an appointment via the school office or using class dojo.

The SENDCo is always available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have.

All information from outside professionals will, where possible, be discussed with you, or where this is not possible, in a report.

Personal progress targets/support plans will be reviewed with your involvement. In KS2 your child will also be invited to attend the meeting and be part of the discussion around their progress.

Homework will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual needs.

Class dojo can be used to support communication between you and school; this has proven to be useful for all parties concerned.

Question 10: How is Hetton Lyons Primary School accessible to children with SEND?

The building is accessible to all children whether able bodied or disabled. All classrooms have access directly onto the school playground and there are ramps up to the outside classrooms. The main entrance way is wheelchair access friendly.

We ensure, where ever possible, that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

After school provision is accessible to all children including those with SEND.

Extra curricular activities are accessible to children with SEND

Question 11: How will we support your child when they are leaving this school? OR moving on to another class?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is a smooth as possible.

If your child is moving to another school:
We will contact the school SENDCo and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child.

We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.

When moving classes in school:
In the Summer term, children will have an opportunity to meet their new teacher; this will take place over a series of carefully planned lessons. In September, all parents are invited to ‘Meet the Teacher’ and to discuss goals for the forthcoming year.

Information will be passed on to the new class teacher IN ADVANCE and in most cases, a planning meeting will take place with the new teacher. Individual support plans will be shared with the new teacher.

Some children with specific learning needs would be helped with the aid of a photo book (of their new class teacher, support staff, new classroom etc) then this will be made for them, and would be ready to take home over the summer holidays.

In Year 6:
A transition meeting will be held with you, the primary SENDCo and the SENDCo from the secondary school. All parties involved will discuss the specific needs of your child.

Where possible your child will visit their new school on several occasions and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.

Question 12
What Emotional and Social Development support we have for a child with a SEND?

We recognise that pupils with SEND may well have a Emotional and Social Development needs, that will require support in school.

  • The Emotional Health and Well being of all our pupils is very important to us.
  • We have a robust Safeguarding Policy in place, we follow National & LA Guidelines.
  • We have a robust referral system in place where class teachers and parents can refer to ELSA for an 8 week programme of Emotional Literacy to aid the development of strategies to improve wellbeing and emotional understanding. We have  a member of staff who works with pupil on an individual basis to support their Emotional Health and Well being, as appropriate.
  • The Head of School, Deputy Head teacher and all staff continually monitor the Emotional Health and  Well being of all our pupils.  
  • We are an Anti bullying school.
  • We have a Lunchtime nurture group for pupils who require extra support.
  • We use worry monsters in class for all children to share their worries and reasonable adjustments are made so that all children can access this.