Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
“It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.” Source – DfE website
The Hetton Lyons Primary School Pupil Premium allocation for 2024-25 is currently estimated at £162,800. The funding is allocated from April to March each year.
Pupil Premium is allocated to pupils from low-income families who are currently known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time during the last six years (ever6 FSM), pupils who have been looked after by the Local Authority and have now been adopted from care or are subject to a special guardianship order, and children whose parents have registered as being in the armed forces at any time in the last 5 years (Ever5 service children).
For more information, please follow this link to the Department for Education website: Gov.uk – Pupil Premium
All eligible pupils attract funding during the 2024-25 financial year at the following rates:-
- Pupils in year groups Reception to Year 6 recorded as Ever6 FSM £1,480
- Looked after children (LAC) £2,570
- Post-LAC i.e. children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales £2,570
- Pupils in year groups Reception to Year 11 recorded as Ever5 Service Child £340
Our pupil premium money is used to provide inclusive opportunities and also to provide a range of additional support for our children eligible, and these interventions, along with quality first teaching have a positive impact on children’s attainment and self-belief. These children are all tracked as part of our regular, termly, whole-school tracking to ensure they are making at least expected progress and if there are any concerns they are swiftly identified and provided with intervention.
Through targeted support and interventions (one-to-one and small group tuition), we are working hard to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. One of the schools aims is to ensure that ALL groups of pupils make good progress in order to reach age related expectations as they move through the school.
Please read the below documents to find out more about our Pupil Premium Strategy